The store is filled with racks of clothing and mannequins displaying outfits. You can hear a radio quietly playing in the background.
(if: $clothingStoreClothTaken is 0 and $recurLevel is 0)[
|clothItemText>[You notice some clothes laying on the floor. ]
(link: "Pick up clothes")[(set: $clothingStoreClothTaken to true)
(replace: ?clothItemText)[You get three pieces of cloth.]
(set:$clothingStoreClothTaken to true)
(if:$inventory contains "cloth")
[(set: $inventory's cloth to it+3)]
[(set: $inventory's cloth to 3)]]]}
[[Examine clothing racks]]
[[Examine mannequins]]
[[Back to main street->Main street]](b4r:'solid')(meter: bind $hp, $maxhp, "==X", "HP: $hp", red)
The mannequin collapses.
(link:"Take hand")[You unscrew its hand and put it in your backpack.
(if:$inventory contains "mannequinHand")
[(set: $inventory's mannequinHand to it+1)](if:not ($inventory contains "mannequinHand"))
[(set: $inventory's mannequinHand to 1)]
}[[Go back->Examine mannequins]]]($topGui:)
You look through the clothing racks. There isn't anything good in your size.
(if: (not ($weapon is "highHeel")) and $recurLevel is 0)[
|shoeItemText>[You notice a shoe with a sharp heel laying on the ground. It could probably be used as a weapon.]
(link: "Take shoe" )[(set: $weapon to "highHeel")(set: $attackText to "stab it with your high heel")(set: $attackPower to 10)(replace:?shoeItemText)[You wield the shoe.]]]
[[Back to clothing store->Clothing store]]($topGui:)
[[Back to grassy area->Grassy area]]
(text-style: "buoy")+(colour: aqua)[︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿]
(text-style: "sway")+(colour: blue+aqua)[︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿]
(text-style: "buoy")+(colour: aqua)[︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿]
(text-style: "sway")+(colour: blue+aqua)[︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿]
(text-style: "buoy")+(colour: aqua)[︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿]
(text-style: "sway")+(colour: aqua)[︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿]
(text-style: "buoy")+(colour: blue+aqua)[︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿]
(text-style: "sway")+(colour: blue+aqua)[︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿]
(text-style: "buoy")+(colour: aqua)[︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿]
(text-style: "sway")+(colour: aqua)[︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿]
(text-style: "buoy")+(colour: blue+aqua)[︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿]
(text-style: "sway")+(colour: aqua)[︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿]
(text-style: "buoy")+(colour: blue+aqua)[︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿]
(text-style: "sway")+(colour: aqua)[︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿]
(text-style: "buoy")+(colour: blue+aqua)[︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿]
(text-style: "sway")+(colour: blue+aqua)[︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿]($topGui:)
They seem to change poses when you aren't looking.
(if:$recurLevel is 0)[(t8n-arrive: "shudder")[[unscrew hand->MannequinCombat]]]
[[Back to clothing store->Clothing store]]($topGui:)
The floor in this area is covered in grass. There are picnic tables with umbrellas scattered about, though one of the umbrellas is missing. You can hear water splashing in a small fountain, and you see people flocking around a brightly colored restaurant. (if:$recurLevel is 0)[A door that says "employees only" is tucked away in the corner. ]You see houses a ways away.
(if:$recurLevel is 0)[(link:"Examine grass",(color: red+blue+green))[You look closely at the grass. It's fake.
(link:"Touch grass",(color: red+blue+green)) [It feels rubbery.
(link:"Taste grass",(color: red+blue+green)) [You feel sick{
[(set: $hp to it -5)]
}]]]](else:)[(link:"Examine grass",(color: red+blue+green))[It's just grass.]]
(color: aqua)[[Examine fountain]]
(color: blue+white)[[Go to houses->Residential street]]
(color: yellow)[[Enter restaurant->Restaurant]]
(if:$recurLevel is 0)[(if:(visited:"Electrical room"))[(color: orange)[[Enter electrical room->Electrical room]]](else:)[(if:$inventory contains "keycard")[(link:"Unlock door",(color: orange))[
You unlock the door with your keycard.(color: orange)[[
Enter door->Electrical room]]]](else:)[(link:"Enter door",(color: orange))[
You try to open the door but it's locked. It looks like you need a keycard.]]]]
[[Back to main street->Main street]]($topGui:)
The man is gone, and in his place is an electronic kiosk. The screen on the kiosk reads "$requestedItem." There is a flat surface that you could place something on.
(if: (random: 1,6) is 1 and ($requestNumber is not 0))[
(set: _randItem to $possibleOfferings's random)|itemText>[You see a _randItem that has been carefully placed next to the kiosk, almost like an offering.](link:"
Take the "+_randItem)[(if:$inventory contains _randItem) [(set: $inventory's (_randItem) to it+1)] (else:) [(set: $inventory's (_randItem) to 1)][(replace:?itemText)[]]]]
(if:$inventory contains $requestedItem)
[(link:"Place $requestedItem")
[You set the $requestedItem on the kiosk[(if:$requestNumber < 4)[(print:$orderedKioskInteractions's ($requestNumber+1)). (set: $inventory's $requestedItem to $inventory's $requestedItem-1) (set: $requestNumber to $requestNumber+1)(set: $requestedItem to $requestNumber of $orderedRequests)The screen on the kiosk now reads "$requestedItem."](else:)[(go-to:"End kiosk")]]]]
(link-rerun:"Talk")[|talkText>[](replace: ?talkText)[
(print:$orderedHints's ($requestNumber+1))](enchant: ?talkText's chars, via (t8n-delay:pos * 180) + (t8n:'instant'))]
[[Back to main street->Main street]]{
|hpBar>[(b4r:'solid')(meter: bind $hp, $maxhp, "==X", "HP: $hp", red)]
(set: _enemyhp to 40)
(set: _enemymaxhp to 40)
|enemyHpBar>[(b4r:'solid')(meter: bind _enemyhp, _enemymaxhp, "==X", "ENEMY HP: _enemyhp", orange)]
|textFeed>[The mannequin shudders to life and attacks you!]
|attackButton>[ATTACK ]
|bandageButton>[USE BANDAGE |bandagesLeft>[(you have (if:$inventory contains "bandage")[(print:$inventory's bandage)](else:)[0]])]
(click-rerun: ?attackButton)
[(replace: ?textFeed)[ You $attackText! The mannequin takes $attackPower damage.]
(set:_enemyhp to it - $attackPower)
(animate:?enemyHpBar, "shudder")
(if:_enemyhp <= 0) [(go-to: "EndMannequinCombat")]
(click-rerun: ?continueButton)[
(click-rerun: ?bandageButton)
[(if: $inventory contains "bandage")
[(if: $inventory's bandage >0)[
(replace: ?textFeed)[ You use a bandage and heal 30 HP.]
(set: $hp to $hp+30)
(set: $inventory's bandage to it-1)
[(set:$hp to 100)]
(animate:?hpBar, "dissolve")
(click-rerun: ?continueButton)[
(set: _enemyTurn to (macro: [
(replace: ?textFeed)[The mannequin flails wildly.]
(set: $hp to it - 12)
(animate:?hpBar, "shudder")
(if: $hp <= 0) [(go-to: "PlayerDeath")]
(set: _showActionButtons to (macro: [
(set: _showContinueButton to (macro: [
(hide:?attackButton) (hide:?bandageButton)
}{(float-box: "====xXx==","Yy====")[(color:yellow)[(link:"EXIT MENU",(box:"===X")+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px"))
[(go-to:(history: where its tags does not contain "subMenu")'s last)]]]
(for: each _item, ...(dm-names:$inventory))
[(if: $inventory's (_item) is 0)[(move:$inventory's (_item) into _garbage)]]
|hpBar>[(b4r:'solid')(meter: bind $hp, $maxhp, "==X", "HP: $hp", red)]
{(if: $inventory contains "bandage")[(if: $inventory's bandage >= 1)
[(link:"Use bandage (+30 HP)",(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px"))[
(set: $hp to $hp+30)
(set: $inventory's bandage to it-1)
(if:$hp>100)[(set:$hp to 100)]
(animate:?hpBar, "dissolve")]]]
(if: $inventory contains "soda")[(if: $inventory's soda >= 1)
[(link:"Drink soda (+60 HP)",(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px"))[
(set: $hp to $hp+60)
(set: $inventory's soda to it-1)
(if:$hp>100)[(set:$hp to 100)]
(animate:?hpBar, "dissolve")]]]
(if: $inventory contains "movieTicket")
[(link:"Look at movie ticket",(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px"))
[(go-to:"movie ticket up close")]]
(if: $inventory contains "rolledUpPaper")
[(link:"Look at rolled up paper",(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px"))
[(go-to:"rolled up paper up close")]]
You are wielding: $weapon, which has $attackPower attack power
{(if: $inventory contains "cloth")[(if: $inventory's cloth >= 2)[(link:"Craft bandage (2 cloth)",(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px"))
[(set: $inventory's cloth to $inventory's cloth -2)
(if:$inventory contains "bandage") [(set: $inventory's bandage to it+1)] (else:) [(set: $inventory's bandage to 1)]
}You died.
(link:"Respawn")[(set: $hp to 100)(go-to:"Kiosk")](set: $weapon to "nothing")
(set: $attackPower to 5)
(set: $attackText to "punch it as hard as you can")
(set: $inventory to (dm:"bandage", 2))
(set: $hp to 100)
(set: $maxhp to 100)
(set: $save to (macro: [
(if:(save-game:"Slot 1"))[
](else: )[
(output:)[(color:red)[AUTOSAVE FAILED]]
(set: $topGui to (macro: [
(output:)[($save:)(if:$recurLevel>0)[(color:grey+orange+black+red)+(box:"======X")+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")[(link:"Exit game")[(set:$recurLevel to it -1)(go-to:"Arcade")]]](else:)[(color:white)+(box:"==========X")+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")[[Menu]](b4r:"solid")(meter: bind $hp, $maxhp, "==X", "HP: $hp", red)]]
starts after pen(set: $orderedRequests to (a:"mannequinHand", "fireflyJar","harmonica","heart"))
starts at pen(set: $orderedKioskInteractions to (a:", and it dissolves into the surface", ", and it melts"," and the jar shatters","and it shatters.")) You set the requestedItem on the kiosk...
starts at pen(set: $orderedHints to (a:". . .", ". . .",". . .",". . .","You know what to do."))
starts at pen(set: $orderedStreetVersions to (a:"pen street", "hand street","fireflies street","harmonica street","heart street"))
1:until pen 2:until hand 3: until fireflies 4: until harmonica 5:until heart
(set: $requestNumber to 0)
(set: $possibleOfferings to (a: "battery", "flower", "wristWatch", "soda","jar"))
(set: $requestedItem to "pen")
(set: $inventory's pen to 1)
(set: $movieTicketColor to green+white+blue)
(set: $housesElectricity to true)
(set:$recurLevel to 0)
(set:$catLoc to 0)
catLoc meanings:
0: default on his chair
1: went through cabinet to main street
2: restraunt in grassy area
go-to:"movie ticket ascii")
set:$recurLevel to 1)
set:$inventory's rolledUpPaper to 1)
set: $requestNumber to 3)
go-to:"Main street")
(go-to:"Launch screen"){
(set: _streetUnlocksMacro to (macro: [
(if:$requestNumber is 0)[(output:)[(if:$recurLevel is 0)[(color:aqua)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")[[Kiosk]]]
(color:grey)[[enter manhole->manhole-main]]]]
(else-if:$requestNumber is 1)[(output:)[(text-style:"double-underline")+(color:red+blue+green)+(css:"padding:2px")[[Grassy area]]
(if:$recurLevel is 0)[(color:aqua)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")[[Kiosk]]]
(color:white+red+magenta)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")[[Clothing store]]
(color:grey)[[enter manhole->manhole-main]]]]
(else-if:$requestNumber is 2)[(output:)[(text-style:"double-underline")+(color:red+blue+green)+(css:"padding:2px")[[Grassy area]]
(if:$recurLevel is 0)[(color:aqua)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")[[Kiosk]]]
(color:white+red+magenta)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")[[Clothing store]] (color:white+red+red+red)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")[[Theater]]
(color:green)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")[[Electronics Store]]
(color:grey)[[enter manhole->manhole-main]]]]
(else-if:$requestNumber is 3)[(output:)[(text-style:"double-underline")+(color:red+blue+green)+(css:"padding:2px")[[Grassy area]]
(if:$recurLevel is 0)[(color:aqua)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")[[Kiosk]]]
(color:white+red+magenta)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")[[Clothing store]] (color:white+red+red+red)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")[[Theater]]
(color:green)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")[[Electronics Store]]
(color:grey)[[enter manhole->manhole-main]]]]
(else-if:$requestNumber is 4)[(output:)[(text-style:"double-underline")+(color:red+blue+green)+(css:"padding:2px")[[Grassy area]]
(if:$recurLevel is 0)[(color:aqua)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")[[Kiosk]]]
(color:white+red+magenta)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")[[Clothing store]] (color:white+red+red+red)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")[[Theater]]
(color:green)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")[[Electronics Store]]
(color:grey)[[enter manhole->manhole-main]]]]
(set: _streetDescriptions to (a:"A road made from linoleom tiles winds through the stores. The vaulted ceiling is painted with small spiraling dots that maybe could be mistaken for stars. You notice an open manhole in the road.",
"You are innundated with lights and noise as you step into the street. The vaulted ceiling is painted with small spiraling dots that maybe could be mistaken for stars. There are more shops and food stands than someone could ever hope to visit, but one catches your eye. A brightly lit area with grass also catches your attention. You notice an open manhole in the road.",
"You are innundated with lights and noise as you step into the street. The vaulted ceiling is painted with small spiraling dots that maybe could be mistaken for stars. There are more shops and food stands than someone could ever hope to visit, a few catch your eye. A brightly lit area with grass also catches your attention. You notice an open manhole in the road.",
"You are innundated with lights and noise as you step into the street. The vaulted ceiling is painted with small spiraling dots that maybe could be mistaken for stars. There are more shops and food stands than someone could ever hope to visit, but a few catch your eye. A brightly lit area with grass also catches your attention. You notice an open manhole in the road.",
"You are innundated with lights and noise as you step into the street. The vaulted ceiling is painted with small spiraling dots that maybe could be mistaken for stars. There are more shops and food stands than someone could ever hope to visit, but a few catch your eye. A brightly lit area with grass also catches your attention. You notice an open manhole in the road."
(if:(history:)'s last is "mgUpstairs")[You climb up the stairs and crawl out from another cabinet into a familiar street. ](if:$catLoc is 1)[You see the cat for a moment, but lose sight as it darts into the restaurant.
(set:$catLoc to 2)](print:_streetDescriptions's ($requestNumber+1))(if:$recurLevel>0)[ There is an open cabinet on the wall.
[[Enter cabinet->mgMainstreetCabinet]]]
The store is full of electronic gadgets. You notice that all the cords seem to be damaged or cut up. A pile of cords sits under a shelf in the corner.
[[Examine pile of cords]]
[[Back to main street->Main street]]($topGui:)
A counter for buying popcorn is next to the entrance. Three hallways meander out from the central area, each with differently colored walls.
(set:$color1 to red)(set:$color2 to green)(set:$color3 to blue)\
(set:$colorUp to white)(set:$colorDown to black)\
(size:1.8)[ ================== ]
(print:$color1)(link: " Red hallway ",(color:white))[(set: $hallwayColor to $color1)(go-to: "Theater hallway")]
(print:$color2)(link: " Green hallway ",(color:white))[(set: $hallwayColor to $color2)(go-to: "Theater hallway")]
(print:$color3)(link: " Blue hallway ",(color:white))[(set: $hallwayColor to $color3)(go-to: "Theater hallway")]
(size:1.8)[ ================== ]
[[Back to main street->Main street]]($topGui:)
(if:(not $housesElectricity)and $recurLevel is 0)[(go-to:"Residential street at night")]\
You are standing in front of a long road with houses on either side. An old woman is sitting in a rocking chair on her porch.
(if: $housesJarTaken is 0 and $recurLevel is 0)[
|jarItemText>[You notice a jar laying in the grass]
(link: "Pick up jar")[(set: $housesJarTaken to true)
(set:$housesJarTaken to true)
(if:$inventory contains "jar")
[(set: $inventory's jar to it+1)]
[(set: $inventory's jar to 1)]]]
(color:white)|speaker>[] (color:white)|dialouge>[]
(set: _phraseList to (a:"It's been daytime here for so long.","I wish night would come so we could get some sleep.","We used to have fireflies at night, too.","That was nice.","She looks off into the distance."))
(set: _phraseIndex to 1)
(if:$recurLevel is 0)[(link-rerun:"Talk to woman")
[(replace:?dialouge)[(print:(_phraseList's (_phraseIndex)))
(replace:?speaker)[Woman: ]
(enchant: ?dialouge's chars, via (t8n-delay:pos * 30) + (t8n:'instant'))
(if: _phraseIndex<(_phraseList's length))
[(set:_phraseIndex to it +1)]
[[Back to grassy area->Grassy area]]($topGui:)
You step into the restaurant. The floor is black and white checkered, and the smell of grease hangs in the air. (if:$recurLevel is 0 and $gaveCatBurger is 0)[The door to the kitchen is open. A little orange cat is sitting next to the cash register; it looks like he's waiting for something. A rolled up piece of paper is tied to his front leg.
(link:"Take paper")[You try to take the paper, but the cat won't let you.]](else-if:$recurLevel is 0 and $gaveCatBurger is True and $tookCatPaper is 0)[The door to the kitchen is open. A little orange cat is sitting next to the cash register and eating a burger. A rolled up piece of paper is tied to his front leg.
(link:"Take paper")[You untie the paper from the cat's leg and put it in your backpack.(set:$inventory's rolledUpPaper to 1)]](else-if:$recurLevel is 0 and $gaveCatBurger is True and $tookCatPaper is True)[The door to the kitchen is open. A little orange cat is sitting next to the cash register and eating a burger.](else:)[The entrance to the kitchen is boarded up.](if:$recurLevel is 1 and $catLoc is 2)[You find the cat sitting next to a piece of paper on the counter.
[[Look at paper->hamburger paper]]]
(if: (not ($weapon is "spatula")) and $recurLevel is 0)[\
|spatulaItemText>[You notice a spatula laying on the ground. It could maybe be used as a weapon?]
(link: "Take spatula" )[{(set: $weapon to "spatula")
(set: $attackText to "whack it with your spatula")
(set:_rand to (random:1,10))
(if:_rand <= 9)[(set: $attackPower to (random:1,8))
(replace:?spatulaItemText)[You wield the spatula. It doesn't seem like it would do much damage, unless your opponent is a burger.]]
[(set: $attackPower to 15)
(replace:?spatulaItemText)[You wield the spatula.]]}]]
(if:$recurLevel is 0)[[Go to kitchen->Initialize restaurant kitchen]]
[[Back to grassy area->Grassy area]]($topGui:)
Brightly colored game cabinets are lined up all around the room.
[[Play game]]
[[Back to main street->Main street]]($topGui:)
A giant creature is hunched over on an old armchair, its back brushing against the dirt ceiling. The creature's skin looks like brightly colored silk, and its small eyes seem as though they could be nothing more than beads. You might mistake it for a doll or mechanical sculpture, if not for the heart beating within its chest, with only a thin membrane protecting it.
(link:"Examine room")[The small room is filled with a cobbled together array of decorations and furniture.]
(color:white)|speaker>[] (color:white)|dialouge>[]
(set: _phraseList to (a:"Hello!","It's been such a long time since I've had a visitor.","Let me know if you need help with anything!","...or if you just want to talk."))
(set: _phraseIndex to 1)
(link-rerun:"Talk to creature")
[(replace:?dialouge)[(print:(_phraseList's (_phraseIndex)))
(replace:?speaker)[Creature: ]
(enchant: ?dialouge's chars, via (t8n-delay:pos * 30) + (t8n:'instant'))
(if: _phraseIndex<(_phraseList's length))
[(set:_phraseIndex to it +1)]
[[Back to main street->Main street]](b4r:"solid")(meter: bind $hp, $maxhp, "==X", "HP: $hp", red)
You open your eyes and look around. You are near the center of your town's shopping mall, but you don't remember how you got here. You notice that there are less people than usual, and those that are there look at you oddly.
A strange-looking cylindrical room catches your eye. It looks almost organic, the way it twists and turns as it bridges the floor and ceiling. It's studded with strange objects and glass gemstones that glint in the fluorescent lights.
[[Enter the room]](b4r:"solid")(meter: bind $hp, $maxhp, "==X", "HP: $hp", red)
A man sitting behind a counter greets you.
|textFeed>[He smiles. "You must be new here."]
(set:_loopText to false)
(enchant: ?textFeed's chars, via (t8n-delay:pos * 30) + (t8n:'instant'))
(link-rerun:"Talk to man")
(if: _loopText is false)
[(replace: ?textFeed)[He looks suprised. "You want to go home? I'm not sure if that's possible, but I can try to help."]
(set: _loopText to true)]
[(replace: ?textFeed)["I need a pen, bring me one and then we can talk."]]
(enchant: ?textFeed's chars, via (t8n-delay:pos * 30) + (t8n:'instant'))
[[Leave->First visit main street]]($topGui:)
You step out of the room and notice that the mall has changed. A road made from linoleom tiles winds through the stores. The vaulted ceiling is painted with small spiraling dots.
You see a pen laying on the ground and pick it up.
[[Back to room ->Kiosk]]($topGui:)
(set:_Ldiff to .1)(set:_Cdiff to 10)(set:_Hdiff to 11)\
(set:_Ldist to (abs:$hallwayColor's lch's l-$movieTicketColor's lch's l))
(set:_Cdist to (abs:$hallwayColor's lch's c-$movieTicketColor's lch's c))
(set:_Hdist to (abs:$hallwayColor's lch's h-$movieTicketColor's lch's h))
(if:_Ldist <=_Ldiff and _Cdist <= _Cdiff and _Hdist <= _Hdiff)
[(go-to: "Movie ticket hallway")]
The hallway is lined with locked doors. You see three more hallways branching out from this one, as well as an elevator.
(size:1.8)+(color:$hallwayColor)[ ================== ]
(link: " One ",(color:white))[(set: $hallwayColor to $hallwayColor+$color1)(rerun:?passage)]
(link: " Two ",(color:white))[(set: $hallwayColor to $hallwayColor+$color2)(rerun:?passage)]
(link: " Three ",(color:white))[(set: $hallwayColor to $hallwayColor+$color3)(rerun:?passage)]
(link: "Elevator up",(color:white))[(set: $hallwayColor to $colorUp+$hallwayColor+$hallwayColor)(rerun:?passage)]
(link: "Elevator down",(color:white))[(set: $hallwayColor to $colorDown+$hallwayColor)(rerun:?passage)]
(size:1.8)+(color:$hallwayColor)[ ================== ]
[[Back to theater->Theater]]<pre style="line-height: 1em;">
(color: $movieTicketColor)[ (_.-=-._.-=-._.-=-._.-=-._.-=-._.-=)
) (
(__________ **CINEMA** __________________)
)______ Admit one ___________________(
( )
)___________________ Seat B41________(
( )
[[back to menu->Menu]]($topGui:)
(size:1.8)+(color:$hallwayColor)[ ================== ]
The hallway is lined with locked doors, but you notice that one is open.
[[Enter door->Movie room]]
[[Back to theater->Theater]]($topGui:)
A movie is playing, but no one is in the audience.
(link:"Watch the movie")[(input: bind $movieSeatNum, "Type your seat number here")[[Confirm->Watch movie]]]
[[Go back to hallway->Movie ticket hallway]](b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")+(color:green)[[START GAME->Initialize minigame]]
Welcome to BURGER BOT! This is a restraunt game where you play as a robot server rushing to complete orders. You get a **ticket** if you can complete 5 orders within the time limit! Or that's how it would be if our team at BURGER BOT inc knew how to implement time limits or cared enough to find out.
Click the ingredients under "ingredients" to add them to your plate. If the plate is what a customer ordered, you can give it to them by clicking "Give plate" under their order. If the plate isn't correct, you can clear it with "Clear plate."
This is version (print:$recurLevel+1) of BURGER BOT.
[[Back to arcade->Arcade]]($topGui:)
The room is full of grey boxes covered in dials and switches. Snaking pipes and wires cover the walls and ceiling and the air hums with electricity.
You notice a switch labeled "neighborhood." It is (if:$housesElectricity)[on](else:)[off].
(link-rerun:"flip switch", (color: white))[(set:$housesElectricity to (not $housesElectricity))(rerun:?passage)]
[[Back to grassy area->Grassy area]]($topGui:)
You are standing in front of a long road with houses on either side. It's dark. An old woman is sleeping in a rocking chair on her porch. You see fireflies floating about.
(if: $housesJarTaken is 0)[
|jarItemText>[You notice a jar laying in the grass]
(link: "Pick up jar")[(set: $housesJarTaken to true)
(set:$housesJarTaken to true)
(if:$inventory contains "jar")
[(set: $inventory's jar to it+1)]
[(set: $inventory's jar to 1)]]]
{(link:"Catch fireflies",(color: yellow))[
(if: $inventory contains "jar")[(if: ($inventory's jar)>=1)[
You catch a few fireflies in your jar.
(set: $inventory's jar to it - 1)
(if:$inventory contains "fireflyJar")
[(set: $inventory's fireflyJar to it+1)]
[(set: $inventory's fireflyJar to 1)]]
(else:)[You need a jar to do that.]]
(else:)[You need a jar to do that.]
[[Back to grassy area->Grassy area]]($topGui:)
You see a little mouse chewing on cables.|cardItemText>[ A keycard is sitting next to it.]
(if: $electronicsStoreCardTaken is 0 and $recurLevel is 0)[
(link: "Take keycard")[(set: $electronicsStoreCardTaken to true)
(set:$electronicsStoreCardTaken to true)
(if:$inventory contains "keycard")
[(set: $inventory's keycard to it+1)]
[(set: $inventory's keycard to 1)]]]
[[Back to store->Electronics Store]]=><=
<pre style="line-height: 1em;">\
''How to play:''
This is a text adventure game. You can interact with the game by clicking the hyperlinks. Throughout the game there are objects you can pick up. Picked up items go into your inventory, which can be accessed by clicking the "Menu" link in the upper right corner. From the menu you can see what items you have, use them, and sometimes craft new things.
Press "Start" to start a new game, and "Load" to continue playing a saved game. The game will automatically save as long as you have browser cookies on.
The game has a really boring combat system, however by clicking "START" you acknowledge to pretend that it's good.($topGui:)
(if: not ($inventory contains "heart"))[|textFeed>[A giant creature is hunched over on an old armchair, its back brushing against the dirt ceiling. The creature's skin looks like brightly colored silk, and its small eyes seem as though they could be nothing more than beads. You might mistake it for a doll or mechanical sculpture, if not for the heart beating within its chest, with only a thin membrane protecting it.]
(link:"Take the heart",(color:red))[(replace:?textFeed)[You reach into the monster's chest and rip out its heart. It continues to beat in your hand. ](set:$inventory's heart to 1) (enchant: ?textFeed's chars, via (t8n-delay:pos * 30) + (t8n:'instant'))(after:4s)[[[Back to main street->Main street]]]]](else:)[
[[Back to main street->Main street]]]($topGui:)
(if:($movieSeatNum is "B41" or $movieSeatNum is "b41" or $movieSeatNum is "41") and $theaterHarmonicaTaken is 0 and $recurLevel is 0)[You notice a harmonica sitting on your seat. It must've fallen out of someone's pocket. {
(link: "Take harmonica")[(set: $theaterHarmonicaTaken to true)
(set:$theaterHarmonicaTaken to true)
(if:$inventory contains "harmonica")
[(set: $inventory's harmonica to it+1)]
[(set: $inventory's harmonica to 1)]]
} ](else-if: $recurLevel is not 0)[The screen's resolution is too low for you to see what's going on. Trying to watch a movie on an arcade cabinet probably isn't the best idea.](else:)[You take your seat at $movieSeatNum and watch the movie. It isn't very good.]
[[Stop watching->Movie room]]($topGui:)
A giant creature is hunched over on an old armchair, its back brushing against the dirt ceiling. The creature's skin looks like brightly colored silk, and its small eyes seem as though they could be nothing more than beads. You might mistake it for a doll or mechanical sculpture, if not for the heart beating within its chest, with only a thin membrane protecting it.
(link:"Examine room")[The small room is filled with a cobbled together array of decorations and furniture.]
(color:white)|speaker>[] (color:white)|dialouge>[]
(set: _phraseList to (a:"Did you say you're looking for a mannequin's hand? Why?","If I were you I would check the clothing store."))
(set: _phraseIndex to 1)
(link-rerun:"Talk to creature")
[(replace:?dialouge)[(print:(_phraseList's (_phraseIndex)))
(replace:?speaker)[Creature: ]
(enchant: ?dialouge's chars, via (t8n-delay:pos * 30) + (t8n:'instant'))
(if: _phraseIndex<(_phraseList's length))
[(set:_phraseIndex to it +1)]
[[Back to main street->Main street]]($topGui:)
A giant creature is hunched over on an old armchair, its back brushing against the dirt ceiling. The creature's skin looks like brightly colored silk, and its small eyes seem as though they could be nothing more than beads. You might mistake it for a doll or mechanical sculpture, if not for the heart beating within its chest, with only a thin membrane protecting it.
(link:"Examine room")[The small room is filled with a cobbled together array of decorations and furniture.]
(color:white)|speaker>[] (color:white)|dialouge>[]
(set: _phraseList to (a:"Fireflies?","Try the area by the houses."))
(set: _phraseIndex to 1)
(link-rerun:"Talk to creature")
[(replace:?dialouge)[(print:(_phraseList's (_phraseIndex)))
(replace:?speaker)[Creature: ]
(enchant: ?dialouge's chars, via (t8n-delay:pos * 30) + (t8n:'instant'))
(if: _phraseIndex<(_phraseList's length))
[(set:_phraseIndex to it +1)]
[[Back to main street->Main street]]($topGui:)
A giant creature is hunched over on an old armchair, its back brushing against the dirt ceiling. The creature's skin looks like brightly colored silk, and its small eyes seem as though they could be nothing more than beads. You might mistake it for a doll or mechanical sculpture, if not for the heart beating within its chest, with only a thin membrane protecting it.
(link:"Examine room")[The small room is filled with a cobbled together array of decorations and furniture.]
(color:white)|speaker>[] (color:white)|dialouge>[]
(set: _phraseList to (a:"You're looking for a harmonica?","I'm not really sure where you could get one.","I knew someone who played a long time ago, but he lost his harmonica in the Theater.","It was such a shame."))
(set: _phraseIndex to 1)
(link-rerun:"Talk to creature")
[(replace:?dialouge)[(print:(_phraseList's (_phraseIndex)))
(replace:?speaker)[Creature: ]
(enchant: ?dialouge's chars, via (t8n-delay:pos * 30) + (t8n:'instant'))
(if: _phraseIndex<(_phraseList's length))
[(set:_phraseIndex to it +1)]
[[Back to main street->Main street]]end of the game will go here :3RESTRAUNT
| Hamburger : 3:4
| Pizza: 4:1
| Fries : 9:2
| Soda: 2:10 ]
(if: $restaurantJarTaken is 0)[
|jarItemText>[You notice an empty glass jar sitting on a table.]
(link: "Pick up jar")[(set: $restaurantJarTaken to true)
(set:$restaurantJarTaken to true)
(if:$inventory contains "jar")
[(set: $inventory's jar to it+1)]
[(set: $inventory's jar to 1)]]]
(if: $mermaidKeyIsTaken is 0)[|keyItemText>[
You notice something sparkling at the bottom of the fountain.](link:"take it")[ You reach your hand into the water and grab a silver key with a mermaid etched on the side. {
(if:$inventory contains "mermaidKey")
[(set: $inventory's mermaidKey to it+1)](if:not ($inventory contains "mermaidKey"))
[(set: $inventory's mermaidKey to 1)]
(set: $mermaidKeyIsTaken to true)
You look at the desk. It's covered in papers, but you can't read them because of the low resolution. (if:$inventory does not contain "bronzeKey")[One of the drawers is open, and you can see a bronze key inside.
(link:"Take key")[(set:$inventory's bronzeKey to 1)You take the key.]](else:)[One of the drawers is open.]
[Stop looking at desk->mgCabin]]($topGui:)
(if: not ($inventory contains "movieTicket"))[
The machine whirs and spits out a ticket.
<pre style="line-height: 1em;">\
(color: $movieTicketColor)[ (_.-=-._.-=-._.-=-._.-=-._.-=-._.-=)
) (
(__________ **CINEMA** __________________)
)______ Admit one ___________________(
( )
)___________________ Seat B41________(
( )
(link:"take ticket")[(set:$inventory's movieTicket to 1)]
](else:)[The machine seems to be out of tickets.
[[Back to arcade->Arcade]]{<!--WIN CONDITION-->
(if:$ordersFilled is 5)[(go-to:"Win game")]
}{<!-- ============================================================================ -->
(set: _generateOrder to (macro: [
(set: _orderLen to (random: 2, 6))
(set: _orderAr to (a:))
(for: each _j, ...(range:1,_orderLen))[
(set: _orderAr to it + (a:$ingredients's random))
<!-- ===================== -->
(set: _givePlate to (macro: num-type _n, [
(if:$orders's (_n) is $onPlate)[
(set:$ordersFilled to it +1)
(set:$orders's (_n)to "")
(set:$onPlate to (a:))
<!-- ============================================================================ -->
(color:grey+orange+black+red)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")[[Exit game->Arcade]]
(color:white)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")[Orders filled: $ordersFilled / 5]
(set: _rand to (random:1,10))\
(set: _allEmptyRand to (random:1,3))\
<!-- ORDER ONE -->\
(if:($orders's 1 is "" and _rand is 1) or (_allEmptyRand is 1 and $orders's 1 is "" and $orders's 2 is "" and $orders's 3 is ""))[(set: $orders's 1 to (_generateOrder:))]\
(print:$orders's 1)
(link: "Give plate")
[(_givePlate: 1)]]}
<!-- ORDER TWO -->\
(if:($orders's 2 is "" and _rand is 2) or (_allEmptyRand is 2 and $orders's 1 is "" and $orders's 2 is "" and $orders's 3 is ""))[(set: $orders's 2 to (_generateOrder:))]\
(print:$orders's 2)
(link: "Give plate")
[(_givePlate: 2)]]}
<!-- ORDER THREE -->\
(if:($orders's 3 is "" and _rand is 3) or (_allEmptyRand is 3 and $orders's 1 is "" and $orders's 2 is "" and $orders's 3 is ""))[(set: $orders's 3 to (_generateOrder:))]\
(print:$orders's 3)
(link: "Give plate")
[(_givePlate: 3)]]}
(for: each _i, ...(range:1,$ingredients's length))[{
(color:$ingredientColors's (_i))+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")
[(link: $ingredients's (_i))
[(set:$onPlate to it + (a:$ingredients's (_i)))
(link: "Clear plate")[
(set:$onPlate to (a:))
[[Leave restraunt->mgRoad]]{
(set: $ingredients to (a:"top bun","bottom bun","meat","lettuce","cheese","tomato"))
(set: $ingredientColors to (a:white+orange,grey+orange,grey+orange+black+red,green+black,yellow+orange,grey+orange+black+red))
(set: $ordersFilled to 0)
<!--The index indicates the customer-->
(set: $orders to (a:"","",""))
(set: $onPlate to (a:))
(color:grey+orange+black+red)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")[[Exit game->Arcade]]
You move the joystick, directing your character outside of the restraunt and into a street. The music that was playing from the arcade machine stops abruptly. There's no people or cars in the street, and everything is rendered at a much lower resolution. Despite this, the road does seem to lead somewhere.
[[Follow road ->mgFollowRoad]]
[[Back to restraunt ->Minigame]]==>
(color:grey+orange+black+red)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")[[Exit game->Arcade]]
You walk for a while, noticing that the buildings around you are decreasing in frequency. Eventually, you come upon a dense forest. You follow the road into the trees and find a small cabin.
[[Enter cabin ->mgCabin]]
[[Back to restraunt ->Minigame]]==>
(color:grey+orange+black+red)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")[[Exit game->Arcade]]
(if:$catLoc is 0)[No one is here, but the fireplace is lit and a small orange cat is curled up on an armchair. An old desk sitting in the corner is cluttered with papers.](else:)[No one is here, but the fireplace is lit. An old desk sitting in the corner is cluttered with papers.]
(link:"Look at fireplace")[The fireplace isn't animated, but when you stand closer you can hear a crackling sound.]
(link:"Look at desk")[The desk is covered with papers. You try to read what they say, but the resolution is too low.]
(if:$catLoc is 0)[(link:"Look at cat")[The cat looks at you, then jumps off the armchair and walks into an open cabinet.(set:$catLoc to 1)
(link:"Look at cabinet")[You look into the cabinet. The cat is nowhere to be seen, but you can see a stairwell going up.
[[Enter cabinet->mgCabinet]]]]](else:)[[[Enter cabinet->mgCabinet]]]
[[Back to outside->mgFollowRoad]]The stairwell is small and cramped, but you can just barely squeeze through.
[[Go up stairs->mgUpstairs]]
[[Leave cabinet->mgCabin]]
<pre style="line-height: 1em;">\
8 8"b, "Ya
8 8 "b, "Ya
8 aaaaaaa8, "b, "Ya
8 8"b, "Ya "8""""""8
8 8 "b, "Ya 8 8
8 aaaaaaa8, "b, "Ya8 8
8 8"b, "Ya "8""""""" 8
8 8 "b, "Ya 8 8
8 aaaaaa88, "b, "Ya8 8
8 8"b, "Ya "8""""""" 8
8 8 "b, "Ya 8 8
8aaaaaa8, "b, "Ya8 8
8"b, "Ya "8""""""" 8
8 "b, "Ya 8 8
8, "b, "Ya8 8
"Ya "8""""""" 8
"Ya 8 8
"Ya8 8
</pre>(set:$recurLevel to it +1)
(go-to:"Main street")The stairwell is small and cramped, but you can just barely squeeze through.
[[Go down stairs->mgDownstairs]]
[[Leave cabinet->Main street]]
<pre style="line-height: 1em;">\
8 8"b, "Ya
8 8 "b, "Ya
8 aaaaaaa8, "b, "Ya
8 8"b, "Ya "8""""""8
8 8 "b, "Ya 8 8
8 aaaaaaa8, "b, "Ya8 8
8 8"b, "Ya "8""""""" 8
8 8 "b, "Ya 8 8
8 aaaaaa88, "b, "Ya8 8
8 8"b, "Ya "8""""""" 8
8 8 "b, "Ya 8 8
8aaaaaa8, "b, "Ya8 8
8"b, "Ya "8""""""" 8
8 "b, "Ya 8 8
8, "b, "Ya8 8
"Ya "8""""""" 8
"Ya 8 8
"Ya8 8
</pre>(set:$recurLevel to it - 1)
{<!-- ================================= -->
(set: _givePlate to (macro: [
(if:($catOrder is $onKitchenPlate) or ($catOrderReversed is $onKitchenPlate))[
(set: $catStr to "The cat seems pleased.")
(set: $gaveCatBurger to True)
(set: $onKitchenPlate to (a:))
(set: $catStr to "The cat looks at you disapprovingly.")
<!-- ================================= -->}
(if: $gaveCatBurger is 0)[{(color:green)+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")[
(link: "Give plate to cat")[(_givePlate:)]]}]
(for: each _i, ...(range:1,$ingredients's length))[{
(color:$ingredientColors's (_i))+(b4r:"solid")+(css:"padding:2px")
[(link: $ingredients's (_i))
[(set:$onKitchenPlate to it + (a:$ingredients's (_i)))
(link: "Clear plate")[
(set:$onKitchenPlate to (a:))
[[Leave kitchen->Restaurant]]You look at the paper. It's blank, except for a poorly drawn hamburger with excessive toppings.
<pre style="line-height: 1em;">\
(color: white+orange )[ __________]
(color: white+orange )[/ top bun \]
(color: white+orange )[ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅]
(color: yellow+orange)[ cheese]
(color: black+red)[ meat]
(color: green+black)[ lettuce]
(color: grey+orange+black+red)[ tomato]
(color: grey+orange+black+red)[ tomato]
(color: yellow+orange)[ cheese]
(color: black+red)[ meat]
(color: grey+orange )[ __________]
(color: grey+orange)[\bottom bun/]
(color: grey+orange )[ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅]
[[Stop looking at paper->Restaurant]]{
(set: $ingredients to (a:"top bun","bottom bun","meat","lettuce","cheese","tomato"))
(set: $ingredientColors to (a:white+orange,grey+orange,grey+orange+black+red,green+black,yellow+orange,grey+orange+black+red))
(set: $catOrder to (a:"bottom bun","meat","cheese","tomato","tomato","lettuce","meat","cheese","top bun"))
(set: $catOrderReversed to (a:"top bun","cheese","meat","lettuce","tomato","tomato","cheese","meat","bottom bun"))
(set: $catStr to "The cat is sitting on the counter looking at you.")
(if:$onKitchenPlate is 0)[(set: $onKitchenPlate to (a:))]
(go-to:"Restaurant kitchen")(if: $recurLevel>0)[(go-to:"manhole-recur")]
(if:$requestNumber is 0)[(go-to:"manhole-pen")]
(if:$requestNumber is 1)[(go-to:"manhole-hand")]
(if:$requestNumber is 2)[(go-to:"manhole-fireflies")]
(if:$requestNumber is 3)[(go-to:"manhole-harmonica")]
(if:$requestNumber is 4)[(go-to:"manhole-heart")]
You're not supposed to be here.($topGui:)
You try to enter the manhole, but there doesn't seem to be anything down there.
[[Go back->Main street]]sjakldfjsdklfjlsdkjfsdf
[[back to menu->Menu]](if:(saved-games: ) contains "Slot 1")[(link: "Load game: ")[{
(load-game: "Slot 1")
(else:)[Sorry, you don't have any save data stored in this browser.]
[[Back to launch screen->Launch screen]]